
photo of fresh, warm horse shit collected by me.
Jaye (ze/zir/any) is an
Ze navigates across various media—paintings, video, sculpture, and performance—delving into themes of ephemerality,
Currently based between New York and Taoyuan, Jaye has exhibited zir work in the U.S., Russia, Germany, Spain and Taiwan. Ze also happens to be very socially awkard, which, combined with a broad but shallow skill set, makes zir interactions delightfully uncomfortable.
“The extent to which Jaye respects — or, indeed, even understands — the funny/serious dichotomy is unclear.” —— Nic Johnson, Art Critic from the University of Chicago
MA Interactive Media Arts | (1yr $30,880*)
NYU Tisch School of the Arts
MFA Painting & Drawing | (2yr $68,615*)
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
BA International Development & Political Science
University of California, Berkeley
*Price =
total tuition & fees - schoarships & work study.︎
The reveal of $ aims to brag & embarrass myself at the same time. It shows you that I’m not a 100% worthless cash cow as I did receive a little bit of scholarships, but also not impressive enough to receive any full-rides.
why brag about achievements when you can brag about failures? Enjoy my rejections here instead.中文版在這
(If truly interested in my fabulous CV, please request via email at jcho.zir [at] gmail [dot] com.)
(A Little Selected) Exhibitions
.拿我的藝術品我就給你錢 Vol.2 (Give You $$ If You Take My Art Vol. 2), 台北藝術自由日 (Taipei Free Art Fair), 瓶蓋工廠台北製造所 (POPOP Taipei), Taiwan
.Loose Threads, curated by Mari Eastman, Bombon Projects, Barcelona, Spain
.Every Woman Biennial, La MaMa Galleria, New York, NY
.The Big Small Show, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ
.Toxic Positivity, NYU IMA Winter Show, Studio Weise7, Berlin, Germany
.[withdrew] IMA Thesis Show, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, China
.The Patriot, slobbed together (curated) by Jamian Juliano-Villani, O’Flaherty’s, New York, NY
.Got An Art Problem?, work included in project by Nayland Blake for 2022 Whitney Biennial, Museum’s Office 3F Red Room, New York, NY
.Goodbye Horses, curated by Josh Dihle & Sahnnon Stratton, Research House for Asian Art, Chicago, IL
.MFA Thesis Exhibition, SAIC Gallery, Chicago, IL
.Schule der Folgenlosigkeit. Übungen für ein anderes Leben (School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life), project by Prof. Friedrich von Borries, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (Mk&G), Hamburg, Germany
.Legit Exhibition, DBYP Project Space, Chicago + Blue-Cheap Gallery at Mozilla Hubs
.Give You $$ If You Take My Art, MFA Open Studios, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
.A Year Since Then, International Bad Video Art Festival, Zverev Center of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
.Entropy, Bad Video Art Festival , A3 Gallery, Moscow, Russia
.The Annual, curated by Giannella Ysasi Tavano & Neil O’Malley | MacLean Center, Chicago, IL
Sugar Dds & Mms
2024 藝術自由日’s Jury Prize, YIRI ARTS 伊日藝術
2022 NYU Tisch 研究生獎學金
2021 SVA Silas H. Rhodes 獎學金
2020 SAIC Clay Morrison 獎學金
2019 SAIC Leon W Guggenheim 獎學金
2018 ROC 臺灣教育部 + 外交部 Peace Corps Grant
2018 CalArts Lillian Disney 獎學金
2017 遺產 from Real Mommy