Toxic Positivity (2023)

此項目為在柏林參訪前衛藝術家團體所經營的 Studio Weise7 時,在藝術家夫妻Sarah Grant 與 Danja Vasiliev 的技術協助下所完成的一件作品。

My interest lies in the potential manipulation of information transmitted over insecure network connections. While the switch from "http" to "https" has made data manipulation more challenging in recent years, certain loopholes remain. Surprisingly, upon conducting a Google search, I discovered that many of the top 100 unsecured websites are linked to the Chinese Communist Party - including the official government site, the People's Daily, and Baidu, China's equivalent of Google. The reasons behind this trend remain unclear.
With the help from Studio Weise7, I learned to utilize Raspberry Pi as a Wi-Fi antenna, and using Squid and Privoxy to filter words and links people can access on the Wi-Fi connection.
在 Studio Weise7 的幫助下,我學會了利用 Raspberry Pi 作為 Wi-Fi天線,並使用 Squid 和 Privoxy 來過濾人們在 Wi-Fi連接上的網站並對內容操作後台竄改。
Despite functioning as a regular free Wi-Fi, this network alters user data when accessing unsecured websites, such as the People's Daily - the principal news media outlet controlled by the Chinese government. My initial steps involved redirecting hyperlinks on the People's Daily front page, ones lauding Xi Jinping's achievements, towards the Human Rights Watch's online report detailing Xi's human rights violations over the past year.

After clicking on the top banner, instead of being direct to the site displaying all Xi’s accomplisments, site visitors are directed to the Human Rights Watch Section on China’s human rights issue instead.
原始新聞: 「中國在國際舞台上扮演著越來越重要的角色,美國的政策需要加強對中國的關注。」
透過我所架設Wifi所看到的新聞: 「台灣在國際舞台上扮演著越來越重要的角色,中國的政策需要加強對台灣的關注。」

Conceptually, I was pleased with the outcome, demonstrating the ease with which the news and information we receive can be altered seamlessly. Yet, for a touch of whimsy and exhibition purposes, I introduced a harmless but noticeable modification: transforming all instances of "Xi" into "Winnie-the-Pooh."

The creation and user interaction with this project brought me great amusement. It's curious how many Chinese government sites remain unencrypted, particularly when I discovered a 2014 article on one such site extolling the virtues of encryption. The situation remains a mystery.