Give You $$ If You Take My Art



With a fake it till you make it attitude, I decided to pay visitors who came to my studio space during a 2019 Open Studios event to collect my artwork. In order to take away the money, visitors would have to sign a contract on the spot, stating they would be keeping my work for at least 5 years and were willing to be listed as my official art collectors. The show was sold out with negative monetary value.

抱著”fake it till you make it” 態度,我決定給在2019年向來我工作室的訪客們金錢,以交換他們收藏我的藝術作品。若想要我的錢,訪客們必須當場簽署一份收藏家合約,宣示他們將至少保留我的作品5年,不拿去丟掉或轉賣,並願意被列為我的正式藝術收藏家。這項活動最終令我以極高的「負」價值售罄我所有的藝術品。

After the first day of the Open Studios, most of the “better works” were labeled “Reserved” by the visitors. People were quite honest, and I did not find any money stolen without the work being taken.


For the less likable works like the first one shown above, I doubled the price of it, hoping it would increase the desire the next day. For other less likable works, like the second one shown above, I forced some of my friends to switch their reservations, taking the less diserable paintings instead of the high demand ones. 


I did some secret recording (jk, I did make it clear I was recording.) The total monitor recording last 4 hours, these are the few moments I found particularly cute. (Originally planned to film it for 20 hours, but I forgot to charge the battery beforehand, oops.)

After the Sale, I was able to collect a pile of legal contracts and started packaging and delivering the works to the new collectors. I finally felt at ease that I am as professional as my MFA colleagues who have been represented by galleries and a list of collectors.  
